Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centre in Delhi, Gurgaon, India

Tulasi Healthcare’s Alcohol addiction treatment centres in Delhi, Gurgaon have been catering to the needs of people with alcohol addiction, at various fronts, for several years. We have made a positive contribution in the lives of many people who have been suffering from alcoholism and co-morbidity. We are amongst the pioneers in the fields of alcohol addiction treatment and rehabilitation, and an obvious choice for many, especially those who are on the lookout for full fledged alcohol addiction treatment centres in India.

alcohol addiction treatment

How Alcoholism is different from Alcohol Abuse?

What is Alcohol Abuse?

According to the CDC, alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking which results in harm to one’s health, to interpersonal relationships and/or to the ability to function properly. Alcohol abuse may manifest into the following situations:

Alcohol abuse can cause damage to a person’s mind, body and spirit. Also, it’s not uncommon to see alcohol abuse turn to alcoholism with sustained use.

However, unlike someone suffering from alcoholism, a person with an alcohol abuse problem is able to learn from negative consequences and can change his/her behavior.

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependency, is a chronic disease characterized by the consumption of alcohol at a level that interferes with physical and mental health.

Alcoholism is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, and because it’s chronic, alcoholism lasts a lifetime. The key signs of alcoholism include:

An alcoholic will continue to drink despite serious health, legal, and/or family problems. People with addictions, such as alcoholism, have a chemical dependency that prevents them from changing on their own. Unlike with alcohol abuse, willpower alone isn’t enough to help them overcome their alcohol addiction. This is why so many people with alcohol dependency end up homeless, separated from family, & unemployed. In extreme cases, some alcoholics eventually die.

Over time, alcoholics build up a tolerance for alcohol, meaning they need to consume increased quantities of alcohol in order to feel the same effects. And when they stop drinking, they begin to experience withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, anxiety, unsteadiness, headaches, nausea and irritability.

In order to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms, an alcoholic tends to continue drinking.



Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Tulasi Healthcare

Tulasi Healthcare is a group of leading Delhi based alcohol de-addiction centres & psychiatric hospital & Rehabilitation Centres, providing both INPATIENT (treatment of patients residing in our rehabilitation centres) and OUTPATIENT (attending to patients who are not staying in our centres) services.

In order to address the alcohol addiction and associated problems, we have a proficient and highly skilled team of psychiatrists, counselors and psychologists. The rehabilitation centre is outfitted with well-trained nurses and doctors to take good care of the patients while also monitoring their recovery.

Medical Treatment Programs

Both Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse require medication to be effectively treated. Various medicines can be recommended for patients diagnosed with severe alcoholism. medicines.

Medicines are recommended in accordance with the severity of the drinking problem.

We recommend the following tests to monitor health problems which may have inflicted by excessive drinking:

  • Liver Function Test
  • Blood Alcohol level
  • Blood Count

We offer long term psychological care because medicines alone cannot keep the patients away from addiction and relapse.

Counseling is required to motivate, hearten and to reinstate confidence lost due to the drinking addiction. We conduct a plethora of activities and events in our rehabilitation centres such as dancing, singing, painting and interactive games, (both indoors & outdoors).

These help in keeping patients’ minds preoccupied and away from negative thoughts which earlier resulted in the patients getting addicted to alcohol. The gradual improvement is monitored. Yoga and meditation also form part of our residential program, which help the patients control their thoughts, especially when these thoughts result in alcohol cravings.

  • Individual therapy– Individual therapy is critical to the alcohol rehabilitation process. Understanding the underlying issues that have led to this addiction is discoverable with this therapy and it helps the clients realize their strengths and pitfalls. This can include talk therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medicated therapy, family counseling etc.
  • Group therapy–  Group therapy is truly a quite beneficial aspect of alcohol rehabilitation. It can help the clients learn from the community and understand how they can cope with similar challenges.
  • Aftercare program– A person is always in recovery after receiving treatment for alcohol addiction. With Tulasi healthcare, we ensure that our clients receive the necessary guidance and tips that can help them stay on their path to sobriety and wellness. Through our regular checkups and resources, we are always ahead in providing a supportive shoulder to you.

Family Education

If you or someone you know is struggling with either alcohol abuse or alcohol dependency, the best thing you can do is to get them the help they need. We also provide active family education because it plays a crucial role in helping alcoholic patients recuperate while also preventing relapse.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the twelve-step fellowship, was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. At our de Addiction centre, we follow the Twelve-Step Program to aide recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioural problems. This is an effective, powerful and well-planned addiction treatment for alcohol addiction.

Intervention at TULASI is a multi pronged approach; Treatment module is divided into 3 broad categories Medical Intervention, Psychotherapy, Behaviour Modification and Support groups like A.A., N.A., and ALANON.

We believe in making a difference and that can only come about if we empower patients and their families. In the process, we try our level best to involve the family members of the patients for the effective treatment of patients.

Efforts are being put in to make the treatment as smooth as possible. However the nature of illness can only be addressed with some amount of discipline.

At our rehabilitation centers, we implement rules, regulations and discipline into patients’ daily routines & schedules so to achieve the de-addiction goals and objectives at the earliest.
In Tulasi, we intensively focus on how we may educate every individual, so as to develop and build an insight into their illnesses.
We have treated patients from various backgrounds and countries, hence the program we have here is appreciated worldwide.
This approach has lead to the recovery success rate of 60% to 70%.

When to Seek Help for Alcohol Addiction?

There may be times when a person has recognized this problem and taken a step towards quitting and moving forward with their lives, but it may not be as easy as it seems. Seeking help is necessary to access a powerful transformation in case of issues like alcoholism. People come from very different situations, and each person has very unique reasons for what led them to such a trying time. With this in mind, let’s understand what withdrawal and pertaining symptoms can lead you to seek alcohol addiction treatment-

  • -Anxiety and nausea in performing daily activities
  • -Experiencing headaches
  • -Feeling shaky and having goosebumps
  • -Sleep issues like insomnia and hypersomnia
  • -Interpersonal issues (problems with friends and family)
  • -Sweating and feeling uneasy
  • -Evading responsibilities on social, emotional and occupational levels

When the body gathers enough toxins, it can severely impair the physical and psychological processes in the body. This is why alcohol treatment centers focus on awareness to provide early intervention.

Attempting to recover without exposing oneself to an alcohol de-addiction center can be a huge roadblock. You will need to consult a specialist who will build a treatment plan based upon the issues your loved ones are facing. This process will allow you to gain the required support and assistance to break out from the cycle of addiction and relapse.

How Can You Help a Loved One with Alcohol Addiction?

As a family member, it is hard to understand what our loved ones are actually going through in such a tough situation. As their caretakers and well wishers, we always try to do what is best for them. Many people who come seeking treatment for alcohol addiction for their loved ones have this question on their mind- How do I help them in the best way I can?

Some of the these tips that can be easily followed include-

  • Educate yourself– The best way to help a person is to know about their condition first. You need to know the complications, causes and repercussions of alcohol addiction. This will help you to convince them to approach an alcohol de addiction center and receive the necessary treatment for ensuring their well being.
  • Keep timing in check– It is not advisable to discuss the problems with the client while they are incapacitated. This will only result in vain promises and unlasting promises. One should understand the importance of picking the right moment to discuss this issue and find a proper solution to end this problem.
  • Allow them to face the consequences– This is probably a hard thing to apply, but it is one of the most effective techniques to help a loved one develop insight into their alcohol problem. Allow them to experience the natural consequences of their addiction and seek addiction treatment.
  • Support their small steps– If the concerned person has taken even a small step to change their ways and seek treatment for alcohol addiction, the most effective thing you can do is show your unfiltered support. This will allow them to see their issues and know that they have a proper support system in place.

Why Choose us as Your Rehabilitation Partner?

One of the reasons why we feel that we can become the best partners for your alcohol addiction treatment is our approach. It is full of holistic, personalized and evidence based therapies that are not only suited to your condition but also deliver the desired results in a timed manner. While combining an approach through different experts, we take many areas and factors into consideration. Our experts come from different backgrounds that build a regime based on multiple reviews, case studies and response rates.

Understanding typical aspects of life- daily routines, dietary intakes, activities and triggers tell us about the missing information that in most cases is left behind. Apart from medical histories and case diagnosis, these small things are often missed by many, generating results that are next to no progress. This digresses the clients to consider other options, and start over again sometimes. As an alcohol de addiction center, we believe that such delicate issues should be dealt with as much care and consideration as any other physical issue.

Our team works around the clock to ensure that our clients feel supported and comfortable at Tulasi Healthcare.



Tulasi healthcare boasts of its unique and researched approach of evidence based medication, counseling and other therapeutic modalities that sets us apart from other rehabilitation centers. We believe in applying only necessary treatments, without causing any discomfort to the client and comprising their care. Medications and therapy go hand in hand, and we believe that a mixture of everything in the right amounts is required for an overall healing experience.

If you are ready to find a rehab center and considering a life of wellbeing, kudos to you. Alcohol de addiction centers are widely available around the country. If you are located in areas around and in Delhi or Gurgaon, Tulasi health care can be the perfect option for you.

- Tulasi healthcare offers a wide variety of counseling, therapies and psychopharmacological treatment methods. Along with this, our neuromodulation lab is full of brain stimulation techniques and other requirements to stay luxuriously in the rehab centre.

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