Find the right balance of treatment and management for your OCD

OCD Treatment in India

Knowing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Related to unwanted thoughts and obsessions of irrational origin, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can cause disruptions in the daily lives and activities of an individual rendering them unable to carry on a fulfilling life. Such people might get intrusive thoughts that may be unrelated to their lives, and the urge to carry on these thoughts. This disorder is often related with anxiety issues, which in principle is correct given its anxiety inducing nature. 

OCD may be triggered by a combination of certain factors, but there is no clear cause why the condition exists. Three major contributors are-

  • -Imbalance in neurotransmitters
  • -Genetic mapping
  • -Stress, Anxiety and Situational factors.

As one of the best OCD treatments in India, our plan at Tulasi healthcare is to identify the right cause and build a regime that sets you back on the path of wellness and transformation.

Risk factors in OCD

The risk of incidence is more in the females for OCD than males, and the onset is usually between adolescence to late adulthood. A list of common risk factors is included here-

  • – A parent or sibling with OCD
  • – Physical differences in brain structure
  • – Experience of past trauma and abuse
  • – History of anxiety, depression and ticks


Common types of OCD

OCD can manifest in some common themes, which are discussed below-

  • 1.)Checking– The constant worry that you might have left something unattended and suspicions about completing a certain task remain. It can lead to the thoughts that something bad might happen.
  • 2.)Contamination– The fear of getting your surroundings contaminated and the compulsion of cleaning is one of the most common types of OCD.
  • 3.)Symmetry and Ordering– The intrusive thought of lining up things in a certain order or symmetry is also a common type of OCD.
  • 4.)Rumination– Thinking aggressively on a line of thought is called rumination. The thoughts can be violent and this type of OCD can also be very harmful for the people surrounding the ones with it.

Treatment options for OCD

To find the best OCD treatment in India, you need not look elsewhere. When you find a facility that combines different methods of treatment under one roof to bring the personalized approach, Tulasi Healthcare is your best bet. Our brain stimulation lab is a state of the art establishment that is actively involved in producing the best results with non-invasive stimulation methods. Our team is also intellectually stimulated to know the latest advancements in the field to bring the best of wellness and recovery to our clients. Let’s discuss some of the highly revered methods for treating OCD in India as recommended by the best psychiatrists in the country.

-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy– One of the highest employed psychotherapeutic approaches in the field of psychology, CBT identifies the negative thought patterns and builds a form of active behavioral pattern to sustain the transformation from negative to positive thoughts. It involves a series of conversations, insight formation and activities to facilitate the transition.

-Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy– A form of CBT, ERP therapy deploys the principle of CBT to change the ritualistic behavior and thought patterns through a series of planned and strategically built activities. According to many credible sources, a combination of ERP and medications (SSRIs) is effective for over 70% of clients.

-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy– ACT is also a highly proven therapeutic intervention for OCD. Its growing popularity lies in its basic ideology- acceptance of the issue and committing to resolving it through active efforts and insight. This therapy changes the dynamics of the person with obsessions and intrusive thoughts, addresses dynamics of psychological flexibility and aims to build a wide range of responses towards the feared stimulus for better adaptation. With an emphasis on willingness to accept, it is one of the best OCD treatments in India with our team of expertly trained professionals.

-Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation– TMS is a revolutionary treatment for OCD. When other treatment methods do not produce a significant result, TMS is a viable option to look for improvement in the client’s condition. The magnetic field created through the coils is targeted towards the brain structures responsible for the different mental health conditions. rTMS and dTMS are different forms of simulations but with a specific difference in their workings. rTMS is more traditional in nature with a narrow range of activation, but its effect kicks in with repeated efforts. Deep TMS on the other hand is of high efficacy since it manages to reach the deeper parts of the brain and produce significant results with minimal exposures. Both the methods are safe to use with minimal side effects. Since it is cleared by the FDA board, the method is quite popular amongst the medical professionals for its high efficacy and result-oriented approach.

-Medication– Medicinal intervention is a necessary step to aid the other methods of therapeutic treatments in OCD. Since OCD is attributed to imbalance of neurotransmitters, SSRIs and SNRIs are deployed for management. Looking at the best OCD treatment in India, some of the best psychiatrists in India curate these plans and personalize them according to the client’s condition.

Some of the common medications that are prescribed for the treatment of OCD include-

–  Citalopram

– Escitalopram

– Fluoxetine

– Fluvoxamine

– Paroxetine

– Sertraline

These medications may take at least 2-4 months to start showing their effects, although the timing may vary from client to client. In case not much improvement is seen, antipsychotics like Aripiprazole and Risperidone might also be prescribed. If the client is suffering from a case of severe OCD, the management can result in lifelong use of medication along with brain stimulation techniques.

-Holistic management- Holistic methods for management of OCD include mindfulness, meditation and yogic techniques that calm the mind and produce insights into one’s thoughts and behavior. These techniques can help with stressful symptoms of OCD and its long-term management.

Looking for the best OCD treatment in India? Tulasi Healthcare is your destination

OCD can be a debilitating condition, disrupting the wellbeing and growth of an individual in every aspect of their lives. Knowing that the problem exists is the first step towards its resolution and that comes with the development of insight towards the problem. If you feel that you or your loved ones are suffering from this issue and need expert advice to deal with it, we are available for your guidance. Our team of experts is trained to listen, understand and motivate the clients to set their lives on the path of transformation and wellbeing. Connect with us today to plan your journey of happiness and positive development with us.



Cognitive Behavioral therapy and Exposure and Response prevention therapy is considered to be some of the best OCD treatment methods. Apart from these, TMS is also a viable and safe option for pursuing treatment

Management of a condition like OCD is quite likely rather than its treatment or a cure. Depending upon the severity and intensity of your condition, the treatment can go on for a very long period of time and require a modified management strategy at each stage.

Yes, depending upon the intensity of the OCD, simply relying on therapeutic methods can be helpful for many individuals. Lifestyle changes can also prove to be highly effective combined with holistic treatment

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